Thursday, March 25, 2010

From Log Cabin to Muddy Waters

I hope that anyone paying attention appreciates this little diddy.

Abraham Lincoln was a poor, motherless (at the age of 9) grandson of a murdered (by an Indian—excuse me “native American”) grandfather and the son of a father who raised himself. Lincoln received no formal education and taught himself through books. Oh the unfairness of life! By all accounts, Lincoln shouldn’t have survived. There was no free healthcare, no compulsory school, no parents to love him through his development from child into a man and no national Honor society scholarship (which is now going to be awarded on the basis of economic status OVER scholarly achievement). Someone from CPS should have rescued him. He was such a victim. This is just one example of the mindless drivel Lincoln was able to write with a substandard home school education.

Fellow-citizens, we cannot escape history. We of this Congress and this administration, will be remembered in spite of ourselves. No personal significance, or insignificance, can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation. We say we are for the Union. The world will not forget that we say this. We know how to save the Union. The world knows we do know how to save it. We -- even we here -- hold the power, and bear the responsibility. In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free -- honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth. Other means may succeed; this could not fail. The way is plain, peaceful, generous, just -- a way which, if followed, the world will forever applaud, and God must forever bless.

Oh, but those scholarly people in Washington, D. C. today! So noble, so evolved, so civilized, so full of honor. Just look at how far we’ve come—from Reagan not removing his jacket in the Oval office to Clinton removing his pants. From a government designed to have its powers lended by us to a government who seizes power from us. And from brief stays in office to now employ for decades (inexplicably) by Californians, a representative like Maxine Waters who said some very interesting things just three days ago.

I don't remember the show and I don't remember the exact quote. What I remember is this. Waters wore a patriotic robin's egg blue jacket over a black silk shirt. With the capitol steps behind her, aided by an ever willing MSNBC anchor, she decried the racist, homophobic epithets hurled at our dignified congressional representatives as an aggregious assault on our honorable public servants.

And then, this “dignified” pillar of moral propriety used the words “Tea Baggers” to attribute the blame to the Tea Party movement. There was no follow up question challenging Ms. Waters language. (Kids, this is a really good time to major in journalism!)

I wonder, I just wonder, what would Lincoln say?

I also wonder this. Having had to turn off the television today as the stories and myths grow so predictably surrounding the most grass roots group in America in modern day history, I have become almost this cynical. I would like to pose a question to the media. But first, some facts.

Our current government is staffed and surrounded with, not only radicals, but corruption—Barney Frank (who still has a job despite bankrupting Fannie Mae), Chris Dodd (but at least he’s leaving), Tim Geitner (who can’t compute his taxes but may now control the entire U.S. economy), Charlie Rangel (tax fraud), Nancy Pelosi (fraud on every level from her accusations of the CIA to “we need to pass the bill to know what’s in it” to her “let them eat cake” stroll through the protestors to show them her power), ACORN, SEIU, Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Van Jones (self-avowed communist) Anita “I most often turn to Mao” Dunn, Valerie Jarrett (Van Jones watcher and admirer) and Eric Holder, who in my view, is dangerous to our country in ways that we will sustain for years to come because of his belief that America is, "for the most part, a nation of cowards." And then there are David Axelrod and Rom Emmanuel. No words needed to qualify their many attributes. The American people know their tactics.

Here’s the question. Is it conceivable that with all of the above people surrounding our president that our president, “who always has a plan” instructed anyone to pay off some poor SEIU or former ACORN schlubs to get to the front of the line where the cameras were to scream comments out to set up the tea party? As I write this (and as I have shut off the television, I'm going with what I've seen SO FAR). I see a lot of video from a congressman's POV. But I see no footage or interviews of the witnesses of these perpetrators who have caused two of the three major news channels to perpetuate as truth a sudden pattern exclusively on the RIGHT to react to last weekend's vote with violence.

In the day of video cell phones, where is the audio or video? Where are the interviews right after it happened of bystanders who were next to these people? After all, the cameras were there, right? Having been to the first (modern day) tea party in San Antonio, Texas on April 15th 2009, I am certain that if someone would have done this then, the deafening boos and shouts to “shut up” would have overpowered anyone who did this. So I'm just sayin'—where are the interviews of those in the crowd who WITNESSED what happened?

As for the brick with a note being hurled through a window with “conservative” quotes scrawled on a piece of paper, is it not conceivable that the same thing COULD be happening in this type of ditch and run attack? If you want to discredit a movement, just write a note that neatly packages that it's a crazy RIGHT wing radical, right? It all seems so Murder She Wrote. Again, NOT saying it CAN'T happen but I want to know MORE.

And here is the third thing which I have not heard anyone suggest—of course I thought of this after I wrote this blog yesterday afternoon and then awoke in the middle of the night kicking myself for not mentioning it before I hit the "publish" button—what IF these attacks are actually being perpetrated by the far LEFT who believes the bill didn't go far ENOUGH? Has anyone pondered this possibility?

The above is all so cynical but we are living in times where we are not being told the truth on any level in our government and for the most part, our media. To me, this all smacks of a political distortion to distract the American people from keeping their eye on the ball.

Here is what I’m saying before anyone labels me a conspiracy theorist or apologist for kooks! I do NOT believe that there are NOT random kooks who attend and infiltrate ANY good group. I do not condone violence of any kind. The crazies exist on the bell curve of the human behavior spectrum. However, the recent fervor of "threats" without substantial proof that automatically assumes that it is exclusively from the RIGHT warrants some sort of investigation. The sudden overnight wall to wall coverage immediately after THIS vote vexes me.

Ronald Reagan (a conservative!) was the president in my lifetime who was actually almost assassinated. President Bush received constant death threats, impeachment threats and calls for imprisonment for war crimes for almost his entire presidency. I received a Chinese Menu Christmas card one year insulting President Bush from a former, well known producer friends who I once viewed as a mentor—it just made my heart sink. The media NEVER gave so much of actual death threats, protests and parades the coverage a few nasty phonecalls and stupid people hurling WORDS, not bombs are getting. Where is the investigative reporting? Joe “the plumber,” upon innocently being thrust into an impromptu encounter with candidate Obama, was investigated and maligned by the media as to whether he was even a plumber simply for illustrating that President Obama was a wealth redistribution advocate because of Obama’s OWN answer to his question.

Fair and balanced means that if the media is going to investigate an innocent American citizen, then I expect an investigation into these "allegedly" crazy people who hurl rocks and shout at congressmen. The camera’s POV ONLY showed the congressman’s reaction and NOT the person who did it that he was pointing his finger at. It also didn’t show any protestors “booing” which is inconceivable to me, knowing FIRST HAND what the tea party stands for. So WHO are they? Show me. What groups do these random hecklers and hurlers really belong to and how did they find themselves at the front of the line at this particular tea party march? It's too convenient for me to just buy it. Isn’t that a fair question? At the same time, if these people are for real and growing in number, then a responsible journalist needs to get to the bottom of it. As proponents of free speech rights, shouldn't the media seek to protect the free speech of expose these people so we can prevent them from dragging down a a patriotic, pro America group? I don't see it, but in my lifetime, I have certainly seen the media do the same for those who are against the country.

Journlism is dead in America. Corruption is alive and well. Americans have a right to know the WHOLE truth and as Paul Harvey always said—“the rest of the story.”

Monday, March 22, 2010

Where is Paul Revere when we need him?

"The Marxists are coming! The Marxists are coming!" These words are in my head today as I struggle to even put into words what I am feeling.

I just took a much needed break from the land of broadcast and blog and returned to the artificial land of idealism—Walt Disney World—which, along with Disneyland—has always provided comfort from the outside world, locked cynicism in a high tower and inspired this American to believe in the dream of a better tomorrow. Walt Disney's dream is embedded in my soul and lives in me, my husband and our children—I'm not talking about mouse ears, souvineer pins and overpriced plush toys. I'm talking about the true vision of the man who first dreamed that it was possible for the American family to take their children to a place that was clean, beautiful and safe—a respite from they daily rigors of life—all inspired by the desire to take his two girls on a train ride around a park. I'll write a separate blog on how even THAT has changed 55 years later). But today in the magical lands of Disney, you can still walk on a litter and graffiti free Main St. You can be sure your children won't encounter people wearing tee-shirts that say F&@k Me and you can experience spectacular gardens, outstanding street performers and fireworks that rival any Independence Day celebration in America. Best of all, you can escape to this place every day of the year.

It is intentional that I took this trip at this time. I turned off the radio, refused to look at the papers, and kept the hotel room television off as well for the entire duration of this trip. The date of March 18th was kept at the forefront of my mind–both because it is my best friend's birthday—and also because that was to be the day that Nancy Pelosi promised that the still writhing socialist healthcare lie would be forced onto..., er um, passed for the benefit of the American people.

I turned on the television as I unpacked last night, switching (as I always do), between Fox, CNN, MSNBC and CSPAN. I should have brought my popcorn with me. One has to wonder why President Obama picked Sunday evening–a time when most American families (at least those who are left) are home having dinner, preparing for the week ahead, to toss our fragile, struggling, almost bankrupt country from the still shining city on the hill with a sliver of hope to a socialist, entitlement nation overnight. His words echo in my ear—"with the passage of this bill, a stone is laid in the foundation of the American Dream." My words? "With the passage of this bill, our congress pounds the final nail into the coffin of American liberty."

I think I know who most Americans are. I am going to turn 45 this June. I began life as a hopeful child who believed I could be anything I wanted to be. Because of my mother's work, my parents put me in Pinecrest (a nondenominational private school) in Woodland Hills, California. I could read to as high a level as I could comprehend. I could play for hours, not minutes, on a playground. I changed classrooms, had excellent teachers, small classrooms and passionate teachers of all subjects. I attended school with elites but I was never one of them. My family lived in Simi Valley. I went to school with Maria Crenna, daughter of Richard Crenna. My friends parents all lived in Calabasas, Encino/Tarzana (south of the Blvd., of course.) I felt the pain of "not having money" like the television kids. These were early lessons in where I fit in society. But it never discouraged me. I befriended the "misfits" in school, once asking the ONLY overweight kid, "Gerardo", to dance with me. We decorated jack-o-lanterns, celebrated all of the holidays with great vigor, including Christmas. There was no sex education in kindergarten, no red ribbon week for anti-drug education—because neither existed in elementary school at that time. Can you imagine it? During the Vietnam years—no sex and no drugs at school. I taught a Japanese exchange student English, while she taught me Japanese. Her name was Sakiko Nakasawa. I have never forgotten her. All of these were experiences I still remember today. I even got a ping pong paddle on the backside for saying a bad word on the playground by school principal, Mrs. White. And guess what? CPS never came knocking on her door, I never ended up a criminal and in fact, NEVER got into trouble again at school.

Due to economics and the threat of bussing (see a pattern here California?), my parents put me in public school in junior high. I went from having a positive school experience to being full of anxiety and fear in 3 short years. I spent these 3 years being slammed up against lockers by girls who smoked pot and thought I was a "snob" and a "priss" because I did not. I got criticized for my shorts, my wardrobe, my hair, that I loved to sing and act (at the time I was taking 3 dance classes a week and planned to become a dancer). I was once chased in a field by a car full of junior high girls threatening to kill me. I had to run into the sales office of a model home to escape them.

Both of my parents worked outside the home. I walked a mile or more (alone) to school every morning. And I did it in complete and total fear each day—not from a child abduction but from the kids who attended the school with me. I was the quintessential "latchkey" kid. It was the lonliest and scariest time of my life. My parents decided to put me in public school when Ventura County wasn't going to be a part of the bussing system–again, the first signs of the "social justice" entitlement to take kids from good homes and send them to dangerous schools and send the 'disadvantaged' kids to the 'good' schools. I didn't understand it. It sounded so "fair," so right but in my gut, it also seemed wrong. Being blonde haired and blue eyed though, my parents told me never to discuss it. I didn't. The entitlement society was taking shape as I grew up. It was evidenced in the way I was treated by girls who perceived that I was "rich" simply because I had come from a private school. I didn't see it that way at the time but looking back now, the drums were softly beginning to beat in the early 70's in my America. Rodney Allen Rippee was singing about hot dogs. Helen Reddy was singing Delta Dawn. David Cassidy was a heartthrob and we could watch television every day without ever coming across any content that would disturb a child. My favorite PSA series was Schoolhouse Rock. ABC was the "family" network.

At that time, we still had to win races to get blue ribbons. We had to audition for plays to get the best role. Parents were NOT in the schools parking in their "best volunteer" spot. There were no fences around the schools. There were no "bring your i.d. to pick up your children" requirements. There were no helicopter moms. I don't even remember having major homework in junior high at all. Afternoons were the property of the American teenager. I spent those afternoons delivering papers on my skateboard hitched to my best friend, David's, bike, building forts and riding in the fields across from my home until the streetlights came on. Parents were NOT outside watching. We kids learned everything on the streets of the neighborhood. There were no fistfights, no gangs. We lived on a corner on a busy street. Not one of us got hit by a car. People watched out for each other. Kids were responsible for their own safety. We lived, we played, we learned, we grew, we skinned our knees, grabbed a band-aid and went out for another couple of hours. It was a great time. There was no graffiti on the 118 Freeway or in the "Valley." Cruising still occured safely on Van Nuys Blvd.

In high school, some of the bullies matured. Some persisted but with my braces off, a new confidence emerged. I had worked all summer practicing herke jumps, writing cheers and wanting so badly to be mascot of my school so I would be "popular" and couldn't possibly be beaten up anymore. I prevailed. In my sophmore year, I became the Pioneer Mascot. I designed my "Pocahontas" outfit made of a leather like fabric with tan fringe. I wore leather lace up boots, carried a Disney rifle and wore a real raccoon skin cap—now Disney sells cotton ones. PETA got to Disney some time ago. I wonder when "Where the Red Fern Grows" will be banned reading for our youth. I don't know who ever decided that pirates chased plates of food instead of women but the classic Pirates of the Caribbean ride changed to accommodate someone who was offended. Guns disappeared from Tom Sawyer's island's fort—they still exist at WDW though. But I digress.

Looking back, the 80s were the probably the happiest decade of my life. I didn't know they were when I lived through them. But now, in listening to the music and recalling when I voted for my first president at the age of 20, Ronald Reagan, we were living in hopeful, inspired times. I belonged to every school club that would have me–choir, madrigals, cheer, leadership, and my favorite—ski club! Yes, we actually took skil trips in high school—can you imagine the liability risk? These were the true days of hope when there were no trial lawyers to speak of except for "Larry H. Parker." Personal responsibility reigned. If you dreamed it, you did it. We all worked as soon as we could get a work permit. We pulled weeds. We did chores. If you worked hard to earn a trip, you went. If you cut class, you didn't graduate. I got out of school knowing "a lot" was two words. Though many of my teachers were probably progressives, they didn't try to indoctrinate me—at least I don't think they did. I never succumbed to peer pressure and that included being influenced by those with a title. If there actions betrayed their title, I went with their actions. I must mention teacher Bruce Kanagai. He wasn't actually ever my school teacher. My friend, David Schmidt, had him for photography. But Bruce was my Shotokan Karate sensei for a short time and everyone who met him was inspired by him. Mr. Kanagai didn't know the word "failure." He was a hero to so many of his students. Every year, he went to Hawaii with a student group. I never got to go with him. But here is the very cool thing. When someone influences you and there is mutual respect, they and you both remember. For those of you who watch Survivor, he was the 2nd to last "Survivor" a few seasons back. I didn't know this because we don't watch much television—but my mom and dad did. They remembered him too. So it was with great luck that in visiting my parents last spring, I happened to run into him. He sat with me and the boys, gave me a couple of signed photos from the show and regaled me of his many adventures—this man has lived the fullest life of anyone I know. And he is not only my Facebook friend now but writes every once in a while to let me know my principles are in line with his and that my recollections are not off the mark as the present times make me feel they are. Coming from him, this means the world to me.

My best friend reminded me recently that fate stepped in during our high school choir trip to Washington D.C. in 1982/83. Our award winning choir was travelling from Baltimore to Williamsburg and Washington to compete and perform in my senior year. We were slated to sing for President Reagan and he was shot during our trip so we sang on the capitol steps instead. I had not remembered the timing of that event. What I do remember is agreeing with the gun control fervor that followed—thank goodness if you live long enough, you can un-school yourself to find out the facts about what gun control really does—it makes crime go up! Counter intuitive, I know! The facts went against everything I was taught. But it's true! To know now that I had the chance to be in Reagan's presence (an opportunity that I wouldn't have fully grasped as honorable at the tender age of 17), makes me sad today. Several years and two kids later, I would be at Hotel Bel-Air celebrating my 14th wedding anniversary when Nancy Reagan walked by with secret service in tow. Pregnant with my third child, I resolved to give my third son Reagan's name.

I signed the guest book at the Reagan Library a couple of months after seeing Mrs. Reagan. President Reagan had passed just two months before the birth of that son and I did fulfill my promise. Tate Reagan Kirschner was born on August 29, 2004. This was during the time when President Bush was being accused of war crimes, stupidity, hating black people, causing 9/11 and, oh yeah, stealing the election from John Kerry. But Clinton was just impeached for having sex. Do you remember that time? Clinton defined what "is" is, we ignored Colonel Ollie North's warning about Osama Bin Laden—the progressives were too busy filling our television screens with opinions on his secretary's hairdo and surmising whether or not they had an affair while trying to villify Reagan and call him "incompetent" and, oh yeah, feeble minded. Then there was Anita Hand and Clarence Thomas–the pubic hair on the Coca-Cola can? I was so young and naĆ­ve. I believed that it "must be true." No one would go to court and face that much scrutiny over a lie perpetuated by the far left that just couldn't stomach that a black man could actually be conservative. Does any of this sound familiar? We've come a long way, baby!

When are Americans going to comprehend what has happened? I was taught never to use pjorative language and I did not. Look at the hip hop culture we have today where nothing is off limits—and I don't mean controlled by the government but that people don't have any self control or sense of decorum. The products of the gang culture are now the very people at the American Music Awards. It's just so surreal to me. I was taught never to get angry; to be a "lady."

When I see myself in this blog use words like "Socialism" and "Marxism" I am uncomfortable. I was so indoctrinated NOT to offend anyone, I am always afraid that people won't "like" me. I am sincere in my views and believe in the freedom of everyone to express themselves but, YES, I don't want our country to be destroyed by those who seek to dismantle what our country is literally founded upon. That is where I have drawn my line in the sand. I'm sure this is why some of my friends, in seeing me write about these things for the first time, perceive as me MOVING right, when in fact, it is simply Einstein's theory of relativity at work–the more the left moves left, the more the center right is pushed to react in the opposite direction to guard against it.

I was taught to be colorblind while programs, entitlements and laws were put into effect to do exactly the opposite of what was intended-to create a race and cultural divide that has completely paralyzed rational Americans from feeling that they can comment on an issue on the merits of the issue. Anyone who looks like me who does is called a racist or worse.

I know my blogs often wander. I know they go off on tangents. That is because I connect the dots in my life to what is happening in our country and they are so inextricably but messily linked. But the threads, like my words and recollections, wander in many directions that all lead to the same place. It is all so simple to see how it all unraveled over my present lifetime.

Because it is on my mind as my husband and so many in our neighborhood are out of work for months (even more than a year) now, another government program— affirmative action is on my mind. It was designed to (does this sound familar?) give ALL people "access" to jobs. I remember my mom excitedly telling me it was going to help me. Don't worry; my mom woke up years later too! Sure, it was necessary to "open the minds" of the very unbalanced employers to include more women and minorities in the workforce back in the 60s. I can't disagree there. There was common sense there. But, as with any great idea on the road to hell paved with good intentions, the left made it a federal mandate, (google it, it's there) meaning that long after human behavior changed and it no longer served us, we couldn't get rid of it. Now, instead of affirmative action being a door opener, it has become a roadblock to my "conservative, married, straight, non drug using, highly educated, rennaissance man" husband being able to find a job after he walks through a quagmire of elimination rounds JUST to get an interview.

Why? Because it's only okay to be blatantly racist when considering a middle-aged white guy who is married with children living in suburbia. If you are a black, (excuse me "African-American," transgender, bi-sexual of Indian descent who speaks both Farsi and Arabic, you've got an excellent chance of getting the job—and if you just raced across the border last week and can't produce a social security card, you're a shoe in! (Note: my tongue is firmly in cheek here). But the truth is that over time, the federal government has encroached more and more (yes, sometimes with GOOD intentions) on our liberties which start out okay and then go horribly wrong.

We're not allowed to FEEL articulate these things. But I don't like the idea of a hiring police officer sitting in the office counting off how many star bellied sneeches walk through the door to substitute for common sense, a great referral and the chance for an excellent networker to secure a great position. There is just too much red tape. Everything feels like a barrier. For all of the social networking, I feel more isolated than ever before in many ways. People are afraid to stand for something, say what they really feel and hide behind policy and political correctness to the point that people don't even seem to know WHERE they stand anymore.

The way our country is headed with every tradition being cast aside, I foresee an Olympics someday where pairs skating means pairs of girls and pairs of boys. It may seem ridiculous to the 3 of you left in America who can see along with me what is happening but we have gone far over the cliffs of equity right back to inequity. The "slippery slope" isn't even attached to the mountain. There simply is no foundation, no compass, no steadfast and true traditions NOT under attack in America today. Just wait until a genetically engineered baby comes out of a man—oh, I can hardly wait to see the Supreme Court's ruling on what consitutes a family then.

People on the left profess constantly to think of others in need but their actions—like rudely talking on cell phones at restaurants or even checking out with that "underpaid and socially disadvantaged discount clerk" in public, never even looking them in the eye, is hypocritical. Almost no one sends a handwritten invitation, card or thank you note anymore. And conversations on Facebook have been reduced to safe, small talk. We are living in constant fear that our very "human"ness will be "found out" and used against us in employment, relationships, loans, or God forbid, a future run for public office. So, are we truly free? No. Big brother is always watching. But hey, at least the internet is still free—let's see what President Obama does with that one. I'm sure it's on his list after Cap and Tax into oblivion—oh, and then the inheritance tax (50%)

Has anyone in America wondered after all of the rich leave America and all of the middle class lose their jobs because of it, WHO is going to pay for this great "equalization?" There is no MIDDLE class without the rich and the poor— and the more entitlements you create, the more POOR the nation becomes, the more dependent, the more desperate. Look at history. The percentages of poor Americans have NOT gone down. Throwing more money at the schools isn't improving them. And that rationing of the "no longer useful engines" with the larger plan our president has in store for America is a fact. It is inevitable. I don't know why so many Americans of my generation can't see it. This is real and it is indeed happening HERE. Our founders warned against it. Are you listening? Snap out of it!

I know what you're thinking. Natalie, what the hell does this blog have to do with the healthcare bill? Everything. Americans must wake up and they must toughen up. I am awake and have been for about 5 years-right about the time I decided we would have to leave California to raise our children with any sense of a future for them. But even here in Texas, where there is still a shred of common sense, the drums of socialism and communism are beating down the doors of liberty. Entitlement expectations are all around us. People don't even KNOW that they have been brainwashed into this way of thinking. It is SO sad to see. Our country is no longer a free republic. I went to use my credit card the other day-from Wells Fargo. It didn't work. Why? Because there were charges on it in Florida—the exotic location of my vacation three states away—in the SAME country. I asked them if I was no longer permitted to leave the state for a vacation. They said "you must call us when you leave—for your own protection." My "nationalized" bank now requires me to tell THEM my whereabouts.

Should I pile on some more liberty busting truths for you? I must insure my vehicle so that when I am hit by an uninsured motorist, (as I have been every time) I can pay for THEIR car to be fixed. However, if I cannot produce my own insurance card, I lose my license. My kids grew up receiving ribbons at swim team just for showing up—luckily our current swim team doesn't do it. Schools (again not in my district as far as I know) use "purple" ink. But the schools now teach character traits (because they don't trust that we can teach our own children). It's all designed to equalize them–"think about your actions and words and how they affect others." Duh. Logical. But it goes further. While this all seems so benign and so "fair", beneath it are the tenets of socialization. As Brad Byrd said in The Incredibles, "when everyone is super, no one will be." We are living in a watered down, entitlement, welfare society of the easily offended where everyone is "special;" and we cannot classify something as we see it for fear of being labeled intolerant, racist, homophobic or stupid. And then there are the trial lawyers—but that's a whole other topic.

We need a Paul Revere. We need someone who is brave enough to warn Americans that the socialists and communists are not only coming, they are here. They have accomplished their greatest goal—most of which I believe has skyrocketed since the 60s. In my lifetime, from Woodstock to Washington, they have incrementally infiltrated our government, our schools, our banks, our parenting styles, our transportation choices, land ownership, our churches and ultimately our homes. Government is rapidly legislating our very way of life, restricting our parental freedoms and infringing upon virtually every aspect of how we live from what we eat to what we drive to what we keep, use and give. I hope every American reading this realizes that those who seek power by equalizing the masses never plan to equalize themselves.

Those in congress who passed this bill have bankrupted America. They had nothing to lose. They will GET their healthcare, their money, their security for THEIR lifetime. Nancy Pelosi will continue to get her plastic surgery without a "luxury" tax. They, like many of my wealthy friends, have corporations set up to shelter THEIR money. Sure, they don't believe it, but they will pay in November (unless Americans with their short memories believe their larger tax refund is the gift that will keep on giving) but our country may never recover from this tragedy. This president will be remembered sadly, not because he was the first black president, but because he was the president who succeeded in doing exactly what communists and socialists teach—to gain power you must rip the people apart from the inside. He succeeded in doing just that. FDR kicked it into high gear but Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, President Obama and all of his czars—Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, Bill Ayers, SEIU, the ACORN brothers, Valerie Jarrett, Jeremiah Wright, Malcolm X–whom he models his speech pattern and body language after—they all helped him finish the job.

Now it is up to every American citizen who understands our history and what is at stake to get off the tube, stop deluding yourselves that there is any merit to the media constantly stating that some racist tea party heckler yelled at a congressman—show me the tape, show me the signs. We know what's happening. GET involved, get engaged and help restore our country before it is too late. To those who say this is hyperbole, go talk to a Canadian. Go talk to a Brit. Talk to me. I don't have health insurance because I cannot afford it! I pay through the nose for my children's well check visits which aren't even covered by insurance anyway—well now they will be. Isn't that how the drug dealer gets you hooked? They give you the drugs for free first. I don't have flatscreen televisions either—as the poverty stricken American does—2 on average—or a Blackberry or an IPhone. My cars are old and paid off. We are trying to refinance to a 15 year loan. We know that WE are responsible for our future. We aren't on the government dole and we are suffering. My husband's company just stopped paying him in December because they ran out of money—yeah, life sucks for us but we're still resolved to figure out a way to rise above it all. We kept our pre-budgetted discount trip to Disney with some friends and stayed in two motels on the way home that none of our wealthy friends would dream of frequenting.

To my wealthy friends who all supported this president, I hope you understand that you will never FEEL the sting of excessive taxation because you have the POWER to hide your money while they take what little we have left. To those who voted for hope and change, may this be a lesson to you to sober up with a lot of good books on our nation's history. To my children, you will learn the true history of America this year when we travel to its birthplace. Gosh, I wonder if Williamsburg still covers history or if that too has been revised but—we will figure out a way to make this happen.

As I have said before, 2010 is a very good year to die. There is no inheritance tax! Many senior citizens may take that option this year to pass all of their good investment choices on already taxed money to their children before anyone realizes what has just happened. It is not lost on me that today, the media boasted about the large 10% increase in tax refunds coming to Americans because of the stimulus–do you realize that this is by design? The money you're getting back was YOURS to begin with. You gave it to them and now they are giving it to OTHERS—most of whom didn't pay to begin with! Illegal immigrants now not only receive free education but also a tax refund on taxes they don't pay along with free healthcare. Perhaps I should become a non-citizen so I can have the same benefits.

Yes, America, a civil war is occurring but it will be fought differently this time. Go talk to someone who immigrated LEGALLY to this country after living under communist rule. You will never see one of these people standing behind President Obama in a labcoat. In driving back from Florida yesterday, I was heartened to see a large billboard that said "Can you hear us congress? We're coming for you. Vote the liberals out in 2010." Let's hope so.

In case you're thinking after reading this that I am an intolerant right wing racist—and let's throw in white supremicist for bringing up affirmative action, you'd be wrong. I took a political test recently to see "who I am" really on the political spectrum and discovered that my values are conservative libertarian—exactly what our Founders were. I value tradition but don't really care what you do in your home as long as it doesn't affect MY way of life, my home and/or tread on my liberty.

I am proud to have retained the values of our founding fathers through the twists and turns of the past 45 years. To those who call me anything different, take the test yourself. If it is communism and socialism you seek, why do you stay here? You are FREE to move to a communist or socialist country. If I hated America, that's what I would do. To the celebrities who have mansions in France but make their millions HERE in America? You're a bunch of hypocrites. And to those who think America is evil and spout this hatred on Facebook everyday where I and millions of others read it through gritted teeth and remain (for the most part) silent, try it in Iran and see what happens to you there.

This American has been stepped on enough. I'm disgusted with the fraud in our federal government and am hoping that there is just ONE person of principle somewhere, maybe on the Supreme Court who might have the courage to decide this bill (in its current form) is in fact unconstitutional and against the very philosophy America was founded upon. I plan to be in Washington, D.C. on August 28th at the Lincoln Memorial for the Restore America event. It is time for every American citizen who recognizes where we are headed and that we need to get back on the rails of liberty to stand together and state loudly—"don't tread on me!" Maybe, just maybe, if Paul Revere were alive today, that is what we'd hear loudly being shouted on horseback throughout this land of the now divided States of America.

Editor's Note: This blog was edited and reduced seven times. I apologize for the length and if I have offended anyone with the direct language. I am usually a very diplomatic person. But as a am a private citizen with no need to spin, I write this blog as a snapshot of where I am "right now" in my life. With that, I remind you that this blog is my opportunity to call it as I see it and see if history proves out that I was right. I hope I am wrong!