So back to my fantasy of imagining my new home awarded me by HGTV’s David Bromstad or Candice Olsen—I decided to google Stowe, Vermont to see if I would be living near Ben and Jerry or Clooney and Crosby. Before the word “conservative” tumbled off my keypad, I was quickly bombarded with enraged blog posts, article analysis and comments using language I had been taught that you never write lest you want to see it published on the front page of the New York Times. Where are Frank Capra and Irving Berlin when we need them?
The standards of decorum and a tendency toward kindness have all but disappeared in this country. For all of the writers I truly appreciate, there are thousands more who poison respectful discourse with a typing tongue that contradicts their very assertion that they operate from intelligent reason and I from irrational assumption. In fact, the many blog posts I scanned before throwing up my arms in frustration contained no substance at all and were filled with more expletives than college level words. The one thing these angry blogmobs lack is any specific argument to back up the justification for their rage. I find it so hard to believe that for all I watch and read that any of these folks could actually watch, read and truly know anything about the people they attack outside of what they hear from friends who tell them how to feel, believe and think.
Maybe next year, the Tea Party will be #1. I’ll consider the position at #1 a sure sign of “progress” in the right direction. As for 2012? My dream ticket taking today as a snapshot would be the three “Rs”—Ryan (#39), Rubio (#24) and Romney (#23) but only if he promises not to try that healthcare thing again. For press secretary, I’d love to see Michelle Malkin (#6) and when she is out sick, Dennis Miller (not on the list—yet!)
*to find the article, google “100 Americans the Left hates Most”