Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's Dawn in America—Morning comes in 2012!

Here I sit with a glass of red wine (which is most certainly not the same thing as marijuana), my de-laminating MacBook, and Glenn Beck. Fresh off a 26 day Founding of America tour in August/September with our 4 children, and having endured all of 2010 with NO income save it for family support, selling off things in garage sales and on Craig's list and Ebay, we ARE the very Americans that MSNBC loves to hate.

We are BROKE, hopeless and fighting for our life. We are in our mid-40s with four young children with every debt paid off—not settled— and just this house, which has lost over $150,000 of its value in the past 3 and a half years (thank you, Barney Frank), which I have tried repeatedly to refinance "can't prove income" and then modify as a last resort—I'm on attempt 4, 6 or 8—I can't remember because I've been on the phone SO much with our mortgage holder and have had to provide documentation that they either lost or said they didn't receive SO many times, my head is spinning. Still, on election day, November 2nd, we have NO answer. We have paid our mortgage on time EVERY month. We are NOT late. And there is NO help for us.

This summer, I took one of those "underemployed" jobs you hear about—you know, the ones you're supposed to take to "do the right thing." I, with an MBA and entrepreneurial degree, began delivering pizzas. For 4 months of work, I earned less than $2,000. But I didnt' go on welfare. If you're wondering how I afforded the U.S. History trip, that came from selling ANY valuables, furnishings, books, dvds and other clutter I could find in a $1,400 garage sale. Sounds like a luxurious trip, eh? No, by the kindness of our friends across the country, we were able to travel and stay with them and only use motels/hotels twice on our journey. It is a trip my children (and we) will never forget. And it was one that I was bound and determined to do THIS year—while we were still healthy, still an intact family and still had at least a glimmer of hope left that things would get better.

Today is the day. I have sat back and watched the sparring, the maligning, the insults. I have been unfriended on Facebook for stating my views while tolerating the intolerant views of others. I have become unafraid to tell my neighbors to vote, to hand out constitutions, to re-learn and challenge the docents, the curators from Mt. Vernon and Monticello, to guides in Boston, to rangers in Philadelphia to answer my difficult and probing questions on the accuracy of our history represented on their tours and in their museums. Yet, still I watch as the media calls me and my fellow American voters "stupid" or the last acceptable word "old."

Before I close out this blog today and watch tonight's election results with my husband and four boys, I want to cite an article I found two days ago. As if the names we were called weren't enough during the course of the past year and a half, this writer, Robert W. Stock, states that "The Tea Party Skews Old." If you see this writer's picture, it is even more vexing—he looks to be, um, well, old himself! Without posting the article here, he basically states that most members of the tea party are white and old, and uses that as a reason to discredit them—of course, he then asserts that it is their "age" that makes them closed minded, racist, sexist and that they are afraid of change. But it is really interesting that at the end of the blog, there is no statistic given for how many of these "old, white" voters helped elect Barack Obama in 2008. Instead, the blog states that "the totals for white voters 65 and older were right in line with the votes of white voters in other age groups except the youngest. The old white voters were no more—and no less—prejudiced, in their voting at least, than younger generations."

So, are you confused? I'm not. Old, white people elected President Obama. And those same people, because they were smart enough to see that he wasn't who they thought he was, have rejected him overwhelmingly as has most of this nation. Once again, the far left progressives just cannot figure out WHO the tea party is. And that is because the tea party is NOT a party. It is a movement. It is a random association of like minded individuals who are united over a common cause. The tolerant left who now not only hates me for being a non pot smoking, highly educated mother of 4 who wishes to be HOME with her children to both raise AND educate them on one income, hates me for voting to get government OUT OF THE WAY so capitalism as defined by our founders, is restored to this country. They say I'm "backwards," "old fashioned," "afraid of change." Please—I'm not 83. I'm in my prime but I FEEL like I'm 83 because of what THEY have done to my country. They hate me for educating my own children, using incandescent lightbulbs, mowing my lawn, buying the occasional Happy Meal, shopping at Walmart so my children are clothed and fed for less because we have LESS to work with, taking a shower once a week (yea, I'm a mother of 4) with good water flow and now they also want to take away the "property tax" deduction because it "costs Congress 1.3 billion dollars." Excuse me? That money isn't theirs. It is mine. And they can't have it. So for tonight, America is saying to Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and a host of 2nd string progressives that we are TIRED of working for YOU. We don't have a perfect roster of candidates to replace you right now. But that isn't the issue. The issue is to begin where we are and finish the job in 2012 when America will be restored to the people or go the way of Rome!

Don't sit there. This is dawn in America! If you want to make it 'till the morning, get off the couch and vote!

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