Monday, October 11, 2010

Remember in November, Mr. Smith!

Oh please! I woke up at 5:30am to watch Norah O'Donnell discuss how "Sarah Palin won't go on any other networks but Fox" and went on to say that Fox (they're favorite punching bag) is "manipulating" and swaying the vote in the country. Because it can't possibly be because intelligent and well read (not "dumb") Americans have followed Fox BECAUSE they SEE with their own eyes and hear with their own ears how CNN and MSNBC spin stories and tell 1/2 truths about everyone from politicians to the public to assert their liberal and progressive points of view. Even Joe Scarborough, the ONLY person on Morning Joe I actually enjoy, got into the act and belittled Christine O'Donnell and Sharon Angle as "unfit" for office. And that was all before my morning coffee.

I am now at the point where I am laughing instead of trembling. I am now watching the "Norah O'Donnells" and the "Keith Olbermanns" and the "Aaron Sorkins" and the "Oliver Stones" and all of the other pundits, guests, commentators—oh, and don't get me started on Eliot Spitzer. Have we forgotten the prostitution thing? I mean, really. Is THIS the best they've got on CNN to go up against Bill O'Reilly? Really?

So tonight's blog centers around my aggravation about the hysteria over "campaign contributions" and the mystery surrounding the sudden success of outsider candidates that Americans are supporting. Apparently, these educated people just can't figure out that we are indeed FED UP with big government and are going to, YIKES!, actually vote out the incumbants in BOTH parties and put "real" "old fashioned" people, who are flawed and continue to fight the machine anyway–from Linda McMahon to Christine O'Donnell. It couldn't just be because we DO get it, could it? No, of course not. It couldn't be because every day Americans are sending in donations in droves to corporations and private PACS to HELP candidates, could it? Someone needs to remind these people that corporations and companies are full of what? Oh yeah, PEOPLE! As in "we the people." I don't care WHO is giving the money to help get these candidates elected. I am smart enough to make my OWN decisions. I LISTEN to what the candidates say and I watch them on interviews—and if you're a journalist, you know that an interview isn't supposed to COST money. So you think I'm voting for candidates because of their billboards or ads or pamphlets stuck on my door or those annoying robo-calls? Have you heard the words "out of touch" lately? We (the people) are NOT out of touch. The left and their media are.

I, for one, could care less, WHO contributes to EITHER side's campaign. We live in a capitalist society. It is laughable that when the left has George Soros and Warren Buffet, the Clinton empire, Charlie Rangel (remember all of the congress people who have BECOME millionaires on OUR tax dollars), and Bill Gates, are we really worried about "corporate contributions" tainting our elections? I think I'd rather worry about voter fraud—as in illegal immigrants voting (remember Acorn?). I'd rather worry about the Union's corrupt influence. I'd rather worry about our veterans getting their absentee ballots on time. And if anyone thinks that "thinking" Americans now trust the failing U.S. Post Office to deliver ballots fairly and equitably, then I suggest you have your own "smart" head examined.

After tonight's interview about "campaign disclosure" and her promise that Harry Reid will be in charge of the Senate, I just cannot wait to see Penny Lee eat crow. Her interviews on the O'Reilly Factor along with the fast talking and full of it, dazzle you with his shiny smile, Mark Lamont Hill double speak, double standards, ethical quagmires that require a rewind button to unravel due to so many tongue tied knots of reason, just keep us Americans engaged, excited and emboldened.

Last year, we tea partiers were called fringe, extreme and crazy. Today, I routinely see pundits and broadcasters actually USE the term "tea baggers" freely and without shame as a proper title for this grass roots swelling of Americans, such as myself and my family, who began in complete uncertainty asserting our views and feelings that something was amiss in America.

It's funny to now see these same people suddenly saying that "the polls show Americans are fed up with BOTH parties." Gee, Norah, isn't that what WE the "astroturf" tea partiers SAID last year on April 15th? Oh, that's right, you weren't covering the events. There were only a "few hundred" there.

I've got news for CNN and MSNBC and Joy Behar and Bill Maher and all of you. I WATCH. I READ. I educate my own young. I am married for 20 years and I haven't cheated with a prostitute. I haven't ever taken an illegal drug in my life. I do not work for a pharmaceutical company nor a corporation. I don't have health care because I can't afford it. My husband has been unemployed for 10 months (this time) and we have NO retirement because, rather than go on welfare, we are determined to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and FIGHT for the American Dream.

I cannot wait for this election. While it won't solve OUR problems personally, to see Americans give Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Harry Reid, Charlie Rangel, and all of the other corrupt robber baron public "takers" that have told US to eat cake while they robbed me, my husband and my children of their American dream while allowing illegal immigrants to have free babies, and get on welfare in this nation and have created a class of entitlement minded Americans to dumb us down—through the public school "we know better than you" education system on how to parent, how to limit ones use of any energy or resources while YOU use ALL of the luxuries by taking OUR money, your days are numbered.

My hope, having had to deliver pizzas and make cupcakes this year while trying to stay above water and about to take another job while I STILL educate my kids, is that YOU will know what it is like to be UNDEREMPLOYED.

The greatest days for America lie ahead. I know my family and I are NOT alone. I know that people like me are eliminating ALL debt. I know people like me are listening to Dave Ramsey and finally getting SMART about money. I know he's right too—because "experts" hate Dave Ramsey. But the "people" love him. I can't wait to have a 0 fico score and never have to go to a bank or loan officer again for money. We will very soon have a middle class again. This government (along with many before them) has tried to kill us off to create their utopian entitlement society but right now, in many homes across the nation, I FEEL a genuine spirit of defiance, of a fight, of a silent war to take back our property, secure a future for our children, and re-learn our own history to make sure it is not obliterated or worse, forgotten. There is a return to learning about our founders and who they REALLY were, not some revisionist historian's "assumption" about what they believed. We are the biggest threat to progressives. We are the true Americans for progress. Progress to recapture the American Dream and its spirit, to restore and cherish those American traditions that made this nation great. We have absolute respect for our communities and give local support. We don't ask for the limelight. We don't ask for press coverage. We have love and admiration for immigrants, yes, but those who fight and do everything they can to become LEGAL and affirmed citizens of America, who learn our traditions and customs and, most importantly, the language that we speak, read and write. We love people of all orientations, religions and practices as long as they do not seek to harm us in a "collective" way, putting into practice a socalist agenda in the name of the "greater good" which is intended to trample individual rights. We are a mix of conservatives, moderates, and libertarians. We want power restored to the people and a decentralized government—not anarchy.

America—it's a little over two weeks until these mid-term elections. It is YOUR duty to get off the couch, drive to a polling place and VOTE. It is YOUR duty to ignore the ads, the pundits, the rhetoric and the disgusting character assassinations. It is YOUR duty to understand that NO ONE is perfect. We have to work with what we have.

In that spirit, I am supporting Rick Perry for Governor? Why? Because given the alternative, there is no choice but Rick Perry, unless you want Obama in boots running Texas. And I, for one, having left California for Texas, can spot the better choice, even if it isn't the optimum choice. Rick Perry supported the tea party from day one. He isn't perfect (toll roads). He is an Eagle Scout. That is saying something in my book. I have seen him speak personally—away from the media—on behalf of the scouts. I moved to Texas because it is a fiscally sound state. He has been good for Texas. If there were a "new" fresh choice who wasn't a "truther, " they would have had my vote. Americans, we MUST think before we vote.

If someone does say what party they are on their sign, go find out WHAT they stand for—don't assume red means Republican and Blue means democrat. And don't assume that either title means ANYTHING. Listen to what they say, but more importantly, watch what they DO. If they have a record and they are an incumbant, get informed NOW. If they are new, watch what the incumbant does to them in their ads. The more scared the incumbant, the more likely I am to support the new person.

And lastly, go watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. It will clear up everything!

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