Saturday, February 20, 2010

Glenn Beck Rocks CPAC!

There is nothing I can write that will articulate how completely gratifying it was to just watch Glenn Beck nail Republicans to the wall with his CPAC speech. I was on the edge of my seat for the full hour—no teleprompter—no lags—no rhetoric. Beck laid out the facts as skillfully as Indiana Jones evading the rolling ball. I had just flopped on the bed, turned on the tube and he walked onto the CPAC stage—talk about perfect timing! I wish I'd had the presence of mind to record it—hopefully Fox News will replay it tonight! Every American child would do well to watch it.

I have felt since discovering Beck on CNN (the only show I could bring myself to watch on that network anymore) that he is the BEST history teacher I never had in college. Thank you Glenn Beck for having the courage to use the CPAC platform to lecture the Republicans on the same things that millions of us who watch him and/or listen to you daily already know. I am confident that those who "hate Glenn Beck" but have NEVER heard this true patriot speak, are scratching their heads tonight because he made so much sense. Yes, he is always that good. Yes, he knows his history. Yes, he backs up all of his books with outstanding bibliographies. Yes, I am a "Beck head." (But if you think I'm a "blind" devotee, read my criticism of how he handled Debra Medina of Texas on his radio show in an earlier blog.)

Glenn Beck is the epitome of the modern day, self made American man success story. He has his finger completely on the pulse of how average Americans are feeling. Oh, that one person in our government would speak as eloquently, plainly and forcefully with the conviction, consistency and passion of this first class, self educated, and home schooling dad broadcaster. Bravo to Beck and bravo to Fox News for hiring him so he could become the voice of real Americans from sea to shining sea. A very grateful and awake America is watching! I'm proud to be just one of those Americans.

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