While not being able to take the whole day to watch the political dance taking place in Washington, I tuned in just in time to hear President Obama condescend to John McCain, and later watched him insult Paul Ryan?, displaying the 2,400 page bill in front of him, that he could produce an equal amount of documentation showing republican corruption. Given these two exchanges, I doubt watching the whole thing would yield any of that bipartisan cooperation we were supposed to have.
While I can give credit to President Obama for finally making good on his transparency promise (even though it was forced upon him), and appreciate that he finally placed himself (no small feat) at the same level of his colleagues, (seated at a table, instead of standing above everyone at his ever present podium), his tone betrayed the very reason he was supposed to hold this summit—to "listen" to the voice of the minority party.
I could write a 10 page blog on my frustration that I am the only one on my Facebook page to ever take on the left as they excoriate anyone who does not think Keith Olberman is the voice of objectivity and reason. I routinely write on the issues, and face down the bullies on the left. Though I believe many more people feel as I do, it is a shame that most are simply too afraid to join me in standing down the far left radicals who are literally choking the liberty out of our free republic to transform America into a socialist nation. If people don't start standing up to this and being unafraid to speak the truth without fear of losing "friends" and their "jobs", they are going to be even more afraid when they can't FIND a job because the only ones left are working for the government! To remain silent makes us, in a way, complicit in what continues to be perpetuated by the media and the minority in this country. One only need to see Maxine Waters speaking about "socializing, um uh....."taking over healthcare" to grasp the truth. Is anyone in California listening? Ya think you might vote her and Boxer out this year? Maybe? It is a fact that our country is headed rapidly in a socialist direction. Socialist isn't a code word. It isn't a bad word. Look it up. If this healthcare bill is implemented, we're there!
The far left will never pick out emails and articles written by the Canadian journalists who have documented the perils of their healthcare system HOPING that America doesn't do it. You won't hear from Great Britain on their long waits for life saving tests, rising healthcare costs, and the worst—rejection of care for people who are no longer "useful engines" and/or should "die and reduce the surplus population." No, Oprah will take you to Sweden (a tiny country, with a tiny GNP), that is so "happy" under their nanny country economy. Oprah moves out of Montecito to avoid being there long enough to pay HER property taxes, though she wants YOU to pay yours!
You've got Joy Behar saying "gee, America is racist but a lot of white people must have donated to Haiti." (Joy, guess what, we "white" people also elected two black presidents—Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.) By the way, I never called Bill Clinton a "black" president. That would be racist. But the left is racist EVERY DAY towards anyone who disagrees with anything they say. Perhaps what scares me the most is that people in my own peer group, people in their prime of life in my country, are literally demanding that we adopt a Logan's Run solution to rising healthcare costs. No, they certainly don't want to hold illegal immigrants accountable for helping to drain BOTH our medical system and our public school system. They want you to believe that the earth is warming (oh, no, now "changing) so your kids come home recycling everything and insulting you for throwing a plastic bottle in the trash. Al Gore (who is OLDER than me) tells children that there are things that your parents don't know that you (children) do. The brainwashing has been a success. Americans have always disrespected their elders the past 40 years has turned that disrespect into contempt. If you look at the cosmetic ads today, you would be hard pressed to find one that does not urge you to reduce the look of "fine lines and wrinkles." Med spas are everywhere. Americans depise the thought of getting old.
The irony here is that the left accuses the republicans of hating—but in truth, it is the left and always the left who wants to think for people. It is the left who doesn't believe that people are "smart" enough to understand anything, to make decisions about their own eating habits, to raise and/or educate their families. Most of the amazing inventions we use today were invented during the times when government interfered VERY little in our lives. The command of the English language was certainly superior 100 years ago. There was no failing educational system because people were SELF educated. Do you think, Franklin, Lincoln and Washington would have excelled in public school? Probably not. They would have been asked to take Concerta.
We are about to witness the beginning of a real life Logan's Run in America. Keith Olberman is the Sandman. I guess this may be a part of Presiden't Obama's plan I hadn't heard of yet. We used to have biomedical ethics. Doctors would take the Hippocratic oath, which is why the furthest a doctor can go in "ending a patient's life" is to medicate them just short of unconciousness and only withdraw life support when death is imminent. To do that, the doctor must have an advanced directive, supplied by the patient. Patients already have the relationship with their doctor. The dirty little secret that no one talks about is that doctors COULD treat you and charge you a more reasonable fee. Doctors are "greedy" too—they charge exhorbitant rates so they can maintain the status of being a doctor—live in their big homes, with their big cars—I can't fault them for this since medical schools became elitist and only available to the chosen few as lawyers made it more and more difficult to become a doctor. With the unbelievable cost of malpractice insurance, WHO do you think the cost is passed to? That's right. You and me.
One only need to do the research to know that if this latest unilaterally written healthcare bill is passed and not overturned before one dollar is sucked out of the already overburdened American, the "abandoned generation" which is my generation, will live up to its name. We will, for the first time be facing a life expectancy rationed by those we have given birth to and raised. And what is to disincentivize them? They have all now been faced with $40,000 worth of debt, that even though WE fought to eliminate was pushed through by an American president of my age. It really is the perfect "final solution." Of course, the president (even after his term is over) will live to a ripe old age because he has unlimited healthcare—you know, kind of like royalty. You can guess who becomes the peasant. Progressive plans to unravel America have gone well up until now. People have gradually forgotten how to spot the truth anymore. People BELIEVE that when you are "old," you are not only invaluable, but you have an "obligation to die" and make room for future generations. Maybe watching Soylent Green would be a good family film to show your children. too!
I wonder what the next generation will be saying when they reach 65, feel like they are 30 and are asked to go with the next generation's Sandman to "Carnival." (Nah, I'm not going to tell you what it is-go watch the film). Mine is going to be Keith Olberman. My children might be taken there by Meghan McCain. Of course, when she reaches that ripe, obsolete old age of 40, she might want to reconsider. If you thought living with stop, drop and roll was terrifying and you believe that government healthcare is "FREE", then you deserve what you get. But don't take me with you. I'm not going. My constitution guarantees me life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and there is no age limit on that pursuit.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Welcome to Logan's Run!
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