Today we honor what has now come to be called "President's Day." I remember as a child being told that this holiday celebrated BOTH Washington and Lincoln's birthdays. I did a little research—funny what happens when you question the status quo. Not so—it was supposed to celebrate the founder of our country—then congress got involved—things changed, misconceptions "stuck" in the minds of the American people—you do know that if you just keep repeating the lie, it becomes true, right? And now we have the watered down President's Day which has come to mean everything from "split the difference between Lincoln and Washington's birthday" day, and "all Presidents you like" day, to "it's a good day to go skiing" day!
No matter how you celebrate today, as I venture out this year to re-educate myself and our children on the true history of our founding fathers, I realize more and more just how important George Washington was and how much better off we would be if people had continued to pass down our country's founding history through an effective game of "Telephone" to subsequent generations. Instead, around 1970, we began learning a watered down version of history that was rapidly replaced by revisionist (if not eliminatist—is that a word?) history from about 1983 on.
I don't know much about George Washington except that he was a reluctant public servant who served with honor in both war and politics and then refused to stay, voluntarily passing the torch. I do know that he and the founders would have never have wanted the government to earn a $71,000 average salary, twice the average of a private citizen's salary. They also would not have created nor endorsed the public welfare programs which, disguised as "compassion" have seized liberty from free Americans over the past century. These very programs have turned Americans against each other, creating class and race warfare and creating a culture war that thankfully, many now recognize. We have gone from empowered to entitled in less than 200 years.
May those of us who remember the feeling of American pride we used to feel in our youth, reflect on this day and keep it in mind as we go forward to restore our congress to "we the people" this fall. Those who believe this movement isn't real deserve the tyranny they are going to get unless they wake up and join us. The founding fathers were so wise and had such foresight, they knew what to watch out for. Yes, they were wise "old, white men"—I think they were over 40 too—that's for Meghan McCain.
American history books are flying off the shelves and sites at Amazon, Borders and Barnes and Noble. I'll be reading A Patriots History of the U.S. when it's in stock, The Federalist Papers and anything else I can get my hands on regarding America's founding—still awake, still engaged and still unashamed to wish our most revered founding father, George Washington, a very Happy (belated) Birthday!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Happy (belated) Birthday, George Washington!
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